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CANTA OLTRE (SING BEYOND) small concerts for solidarity

Canta Oltre is a Progetto RESCUE! initiative, born in March 2020, during the pandemic. It consists of a series of small live concerts in support, accompaniment and promotion of  Torino’s solidarity network and its beneficiaries. On an artistic level, it is a research on approaching the “hidden spectator” and to question conventions, at a time when artistic practice is no longer part of the social landscape.

We went out and sang in the spaces that were carrying out solidarity actions and for homeless people during the evening meal delivery. It was important for us, even more so in a situation of confinement, to continue experimenting with the different formats and actions that would allow the existence of an encounter. The spectator we were looking for did not exist, we had to rebuild them and this constituted a concrete experimentation. We acted with the conviction that with small actions we could transform reality and those who live it.

We entered into collaborations with associations and spontaneous initiatives and it was possible to structure the interventions in safety so as to allow a change of paradigm within the imposed rules. The essence of CANTA OLTRE lies in the invention of unprecedented spaces of relationship, bringing art where there is none, to create unexpected encounters and connections.
In September 2021, CANTA OLTRE obtains the support of ARCI Torino / Fooding Alimenta la Solidarietà.
The project maintains its value or that of singing to solidarity and finds its development by asking the local artist to put their art at the service of the solidarity community. Currently the musical meetings take place in the food hub of Torino Solidale di Arci / Fooding Alimenta la Solidarietà,
 Circolo Arci Anatra Zoppa in Barriera di Milano.

ospitato da 
Associazione EUfemia-Food Pride, Il Gusto del Mondo, Croce Rossa Italiana, Eco-mori Sentinelle dei Rifiuti/ Eco dalle Città, Casa del Quartiere/Bagni Pubblici di via Agliè, Fooding Alimenta la Solidarietà - Arci Torino, Acfil Piemonte, Torino Solidale.

Canta Oltre ha visto la partecipazione di Babara Yattara, Sidi Issa, Vittorio Campanella, Silvia Venturini, Vicente Cabrera,  Camilla Sandri Bellezza, Ivan Pellegrinelli. 
Ringraziamo la partecipazione di artistǝ e cittadinǝ del territorio.


Vicente Cabrera e Camilla Sandri Bellezza
Vocal and classical guitar will take you to a  journey into Latin American rebellious music.
From the Cuban Son to the Argentine Zamba, from the Colombian Cumbia to the Venezuelan Joropo we arrive at the Ecuadorian Capishca to touch all the rhythms and traditions of the singers who have made these countries famous. Camilla Sandri Bellezza and Vicente Cabrera lead you into heartbreaking sighs, reinterpretations, poetic interludes, intimacy and wine.

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Babara Yattara 
Babara and Vicente are multi-instrumentalists, singers and composers - they play rhythms and songs from the African tradition (Garangedo / Kania-soli / Yankadi / Mendiani) in intimate or crowded concerts - for them music is both an intimate and collective party - a moment special to share and create together.

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